Support & Contact


If a store vendor or the SL Marketplace fails to the deliver a Trinium product you bought & item has copy permissions, then please try my in-store REDELIVERY TERMINAL (next to service desk in store). Yes even SL Marketplace purchases of my products can be redelivered via the terminal.

Touch the redelivery terminal to get a popup with a link to a webpage list of items you've purchased using the CasperVend vending system. Find the *Trinium* product that wasn't delivered and click the "redeliver" option next to it to have the product redelivered to you.  Use the redelivery terminal also for product updates you may have missed also.

For failed delivery of "no copy" Trinium products or my items that are not in vendors yet, then contact me via IM in-world. Thanks!


For any help with or questions about my Trinium Designs store or products please don't hesitate to contact me.  I generally prefer Second Life IMs over notecards. IMs will go to my email even if I'm not online so I always get them. If for some strange reason you don't hear back from me within 24 hours, then please just IM me again.



* I only speak English but have a SL translator that covers 57 languages.

* Please don't drop no copy items on me unless I'm online and you warn me first. ;)